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UN Central America (ONUCA) Full Size Medal

Established in December 1989 to conduct on-site verification of the termination of aid to irregular forces and insurrectionist movements, and the non-use of the territory of one State for attacks on other States in the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.The Mission terminated in January 1992.

Each United Nations medal is identical in design, with a unique ribbon to identify the specific mission. The UNTAC mission ribbon has five narrow green stripes in the centre to represent the five countries involved. These five green stripes are separated by four equal white stripes. At the edge of the ribbon there are two equal bands of sea blue to represent the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, followed by two stripes of UN blue to represent the United Nations’ presence in the area.

Qualifying time for the medal is 90 days of service in the Mission. Subsequent tours of the same regions would be denoted with a numeral attached to the ribbon.

United Nations medals are not engraved.

All official medals are sent loose on the ribbon unless medal mounting is also purchased on the same order.

Personalisation and Medal Mounting
Group Court Mounting Full Size (Add for each medal purchased) £12.50 per medal

Group Court Mounting Full Size (Add for each medal purchased) £12.50 per medal

Single Medal Full Size Court Mounting

Single Medal Full Size Court Mounting

Swing Style Group Mounting Full Size (Add for each medal purchased) £6.50 per medal

Swing Style Group Mounting Full Size (Add for each medal purchased) £6.50 per medal

Single Medal Full Size Swing Mounting

Single Medal Full Size Swing Mounting

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