UN Bosnia (UNPREDEP) Miniature Medal
UNPREDEP was established in March 1995, which decided that the activities of UNPROFOR, within the former Republic of Macedonia, shall be known as UNPREDEP. The mandate was essentially preventive, to monitor and report any development in the border areas that could undermine the confidence and stability in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or threaten its territory. The Mission terminated in February 1999.
Each United Nations medal is identical in design, with a unique ribbon to identify the specific mission. The UNPREDEP ribbon has UN blue stripes at the edge, and a central red band with yellow stripes in the middle bordered by thin white stripes, representing the UNPREDEP command presence in Macedonia.
Qualifying time for the medal is 90 days of service in the Mission. Subsequent tours of the same regions would be denoted with a numeral attached to the ribbon.
All official medals are sent loose on the ribbon unless medal mounting is also purchased on the same order.