UN Angola (UNAVEM) Full Size Medal
UNAVEM was established in January 1989 to verify the redeployment northward and the phased and total withdrawal of Cuban troops from the territory of the Peoples's Republic of Angola in accordance with the timetable agreed between the Parties. Upon completion of the task, the Mission was terminated in June 1997.
Each United Nations medal is identical in design, with a unique ribbon to identify the specific mission. The UNAVEM ribbon contains a central broad band of light blue flanked by three equal stripes of black, white and red, with wide yellow bands at either end. The yellow, red and black are representative of the Angolan national flag.
Qualifying time for the medal is 90 days of service in the Mission. Subsequent tours of the same regions would be denoted with a numeral attached to the ribbon.
United Nations medals are not engraved.
All official medals are sent loose on the ribbon unless medal mounting is also purchased on the same order.