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OSM Congo With Clasp DROC Miniature Loose

A miniature version of the Operational Service Medal for the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is a 21st century British armed forces campaign medal, awarded mostly to military personnel serving with the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) and the associated European Union Force (EUFOR DR Congo) deployment since 2000.

Personalisation and Medal Mounting
Single Medal Full Size Court Mounting

Single Medal Full Size Court Mounting

Group Court Mounting (Add for each medal purchased) £7.50 per medal

Group Court Mounting (Add for each medal purchased) £7.50 per medal


Max chars: 100

Swing Style Group Mounting Miniature (Add for each medal purchased) £4.50 per medal

Swing Style Group Mounting Miniature (Add for each medal purchased) £4.50 per medal


Max chars: 100

Single Medal Swing  Mounting Miniature

Single Medal Swing Mounting Miniature

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