NATO Kosovo Full Size Medal
The NATO Medal is an international military decoration which is awarded to various militaries of the world under the authority of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
NATO has been leading a peace-support operation in Kosovo since 1999 in the wake of a 78-day air campaign to halt and reverse the humanitarian catastrophe that was then unfolding. The Kosovo Force (KFOR) objectives were to deter renewed hostilites, establish a secure environment and ensure public safety. It also needed to demilitarise the Kosovo Liberation Army, support the international humanitarian effort and coordinate with the international civil presence. KFOR continues to operate in Kosovo to the current date, contributing towards maintaining a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all.
NATO medals are identical in design, with a bar worn on the ribbon to identify the specific mission. The NATO Kosovo bar would bear the words 'KOSOVO' and the ribbon is NATO blue with two narrow white stripes at either edge of the ribbon with a wide band of white in the centre.
Qualifying time for the medal is 30 days of service continuous or accumulated, in the theatre of operations; or 90 days continuous or accumulated, in direct support of the NATO operations in Kosovo in the adjacent area. Subsequent tours of the same regions would be denoted with a numeral attached to the ribbon.
NATO medals are not engraved.
All official medals are sent loose on the ribbon unless medal mounting is also purchased on the same order.