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Cadet Forces Medal 2nd Award Bar QC Full Size

The Cadet Forces Medal 2nd Award bar bearing the Queens Crown is awarded for long and efficient service. 

Periods of service to qualify for the bar have varied, originally requiring 12 years of continuous service, but only 6 years were required during WWII. In 1971 the qualification period was reduced to 8 years, and in 1991 it was reduced to 6 years. 

Multiple awards can be given and up to 3 bars can be worn on the medal ribbon. The bar should be stitched low down on the ribbon, just above the medal. When a fourth additional award is achieved the bars are removed and replaced by a gold rose. When wearing a ribbon bar the 2nd award bars would be represented with a silver rosette for each bar.

The bar is silver with 4 drilled holes, 2 at either end of the bar so that it can be stitched in place on the medal ribbon. In the centre there is the Queens Crown. These bars are also availabe with the Kings Crown and the bar you require would be determined by which monarch you served the majority or all of your service under. 


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