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Battle of Britain History Ruler - 30cm

The Battle of Britain History Ruler is plastic and measures 30cm long. It shows measurements in both inches and centimetres. On the inches scale it includes units of 1/16 of an inch and on the centimetre side units of 1 millimetre. The front of the ruler shows an image of a dogfight between British and German aircraft during the Battle of Britain. On the reverse is a timeline of the Battle of Britain with dates and historical information. The timeline starts from 30 June 1940 with the order given by Hermann Goering to draw the RAF into battle and runs through to 31 October 1940 when the Battle of Britain ends. Highlights include Phase I and the raids on British RDF stations and coastal towns. Phase 2 attacking British airfields. Phase 3 Winston Churchill makes his famous speech whilst the Luftwaffe continues it bombing campaign. Phase 4 raids against the main British cities, Battle of Britain day and the postponement of the invasion of Britain.
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